Our Vision

A Connected Vision for the Future

As your Labour candidate for East Midlands Mayor, I see a future where our communities are more connected, our economy is thriving, where every person has the opportunity to succeed and a region that leads the way in innovation, sustainability, and cultural richness.

Together, we can build a future that offers better jobs, affordable homes, and a healthier environment for all. It’s about more than just policies; it’s about building a future for our children, supporting our businesses to innovate and grow, and ensuring everyone has the chance to live a fulfilling life. As Mayor I will be dedicated to make this a reality.

To achieve this, our actions must be purposeful, connected and see the bigger picture. We’ll need to work together, cross political divides, explore new ideas and put in the effort.

These visions aren’t just dreams; they’re my commitments to you and to our future. With your support, we can make the East Midlands a place where everyone has the opportunity to thrive. Vote for me, Claire Ward, and let’s build a brighter future together.